Sunday, May 13, 2007


My affianced and I recently eloped. We went on a fabulous honeymoon to Europe, and I was able to see and do everything I wanted without worrying about taking it easy. ~Lee Majors

My Almost Married Sis has this quiz on her website for where her and her spouse should head for their honeymoon. I'm leaning towards something different like Greece but I'm sure that she will end up doing it somewhere on this side of the continent. I think that the Boyfriend and I will probably end up somewhere in Italy. Like several Villas in Italy or a lovely cottage in the scenic Siena countryside. Italy is one of his favorite places in the world to go, and as you might know, it's definitely on my list of places to visit. A honeymoon would the perfect time for an international trip, even though it's cliche, I think we would definitely rock it.

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