Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I know it's crazy...a posting frenzy one minute and then total silence the next. Let's just say I'm getting lots of posts to add to this week's blog. I'm doing real life research. When I do have a moment to myself to breathe, think and write, then I will definitely be back in the swing of the blogosphere. At least over here.

What the hell is up with Britney Spears?

Okay...later peeps.


Unknown said...

she's gone postal...

Vixen said...

abi o!

Tutsy said...

Mehn!!! that girl don kolo finish o!!! What the hell is up with the gorimapa head now???? who told her that was cute? Kai!!! this one no be ordinary o.... i'm patiently waiting to see the next crazy move she makes....hell, maybe travel to Ibadan and request for tribal marks on her face.