Sunday, March 27, 2005


Soon silence will have passed into legend. Man has turned his back on silence. Day after day he invents machines and devices that increase noise and distract humanity from the essence of life, contemplation, meditation... - Jean Arp

Wow...a whole weekend has passed. It's hard to believe that I used it mostly in silence, contemplation and meditation. When the phones stop ringing, and the tv is off, ....with only the hushed sounds of the late night and my own beating heart to guide me, one can almost feel the full essence of life. I realized today, that I have turned my back on silence all week. All the machines and devices that create noise...the cell phone, the Ipod, the computer, the radio, CD player, the television, cars, washing machines, lawnmowers...modern conveniences that most of us cannot live without.

What happened to just reading books, and meditation, and solitude? Since when has quiet times become so wrong? What is wrong with having noone in your space for days at a time save you, when taking loooong breaks away from the television...say a week or more? What's wrong in savoring times with just yourself, and in not getting distracted by anyone else?

Quiet much as people hate them, are my absolute favorite times. Perhaps that is why I thrive at night, when most of the loud, boorish world is asleep, and you can hear yourself think, and breathe...and feel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Quiet much as people hate them, are my absolute favorite times. Perhaps that is why I thrive at night, when most of the loud, boorish world is asleep, and you can hear yourself think, and breathe...and feel."

This entire blog is beautiful. And I couldn't agree more with every word you wrote. I especially love the part I quoted above.